Contact Us

  1. E-mail
    Farm shop 937~839~5886
    Cell 937~580~6251
    Grass Fed Farms
    2401 Twin Rd
    West Alexandria OH45381


Angie Everett said...

I received a mail system error when I tried to email you, that my message was undeliverable. I wanted to request info about your current beef and poultry pricing and availability. Do you have an updated email address?

Lynda said...

The cell phone number is also no longer in service

mary said...

Are you still in existence? Your email address doesn't work.

mary said...

Are you still in existence? Your email address doesn't work.

Unknown said...

Awesome article! I like it. Hats off to you for such a wonderful sharing. I have bookmarked this post to come back and to share with my friends.

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